Novel Marketing

When to Quit



Are you thinking about quitting publishing or writing? You started full of energy and optimism, but it has been a hard road, and you feel tired.Should you quit? My answer may surprise you.Maybe you should.Publishing is an industry where almost everyone has a financial incentive to see you keep going. People in the publishing industry don’t earn money if you quit. But there is a lot of money to be made by telling writers exactly what they want to hear: “You will be the next bestseller and hottest thing in publishing!! Just keep paying for coaching, edits, covers, and conferences! Eventually, you will be a star!”Writing will cost you time and money.How do you decide if it’s time to quit or keep going?Only a handful of writers die at their keyboards, which means we all quit eventually. But how do you know if it’s time?In this week’s episode, you’ll answer five clarifying questions to help you know whether it’s time to press on or bow out.You’ll learn:Two uncomfortable publishing realitiesWhen the time is right (