Theology Thursday

ThThurs: Rightly Divided Diet



It's telethon month! We have raised about $8,500 of our $25,000 goal! We only have a week left in the month of January and need your help to reach our goal before the month is over! Sponsor a show or purchase a product - all monthly subscription charges will be multiplied by 10 and then applied to our telethon goal. * What was Wrong with Garments of Mixed Fabrics? The teaching in today's program also appears in Bob's life's work, The Plot, which notes that God forbade the Israelites from wearing clothes with mixed fabrics: "You shall not wear a garment of different sorts, such as wool and linen mixed together." Deut. 22:11 Like many of the purely symbolic ordinances in Scripture, this symbol illustrated Man's need for God to cover his spiritual nakedness. Thus every Israelite had to wear pure garments, made from only one material. Not realizing that Bible writers used the concept of clothing symbolically (e.g., Ps.&