The Close-up

#508 - Kleber Mendonça Filho on Pictures of Ghosts and a Programmer's Preview of Serge Daney's 1970s



This week we’re excited to present two conversations, the first with programmers Madeline Whittle and Nicholas Elliott about our upcoming retrospective, Never Look Away: Serge Daney’s Radical 1970s, and the second with Kleber Mendonça Filho, director of the NYFF61 Main Slate selection Pictures of Ghosts, opening in our theaters on January 26th. Beginning Friday, Film at Lincoln Center presents a series celebrating French film critic Serge Daney and the films he championed, occasioned by the long-awaited English translation of the critic’s first book La Rampe, now titled Footlights. The series runs from January 26 through February 4 and will feature a robust selection of works by master filmmakers, with many presented on 35mm or in digital restorations, accompanied by guest introductions. The programmers of the retrospective, Madline Whittle and Nicholas Elliott, spoke with Digital Marketing Manager Erik Luers about how they curated the lineup and the importance of Daney’s writing and views on cinema. Get t