By Faith With Christine Hoover

A Church Planting Couple’s Legacy (an interview with Jennifer Clifton)



Clint and Jennifer Clifton spent their lives planting churches as well as pouring themselves into training and encouraging planters and their wives all over the globe. Jennifer joins the podcast to talk about the legacy of her late husband and how she sees the Lord opening opportunities for her to continue to encourage ministry wives just like us. Jennifer also shares her unique perspective on helping marriage and family thrive within the framework of full-time ministry. QUOTES “What our roles are depends on what season we’re in. If we’ve got a bunch of little kids, it’s really hard to be super involved, but if your kids are older, it may be a little easier. Our roles change with seasons. It’s important for church planter wives to recognize that and be encouraged in that. And husbands need to recognize that about their wives and help them recognize what seasons they’re in and how they best can be used in that season.” -Jennifer Clifton “We just involved our kids