Zero Fox Left

Dogs in Strollers vs Silent Discos



I'm back (finally) and I will be going over things that I have came across that I hate, which essentially is the heart of this podcast. As the world descends into some warped version of Dark City Idiocracy, Cyberpunk or rather just a hellscape; it is getting harder and harder to believe that any of this is true. What did we do to deserve to be in this three dimensional (3D) simulated nightmare? Dogs are being pushed in a stroller, people are dancing to music that only they can hear in public and instead of Tennis, we now have pickleball.. Yay! ...And the inversion of our world goes on and on and on until we realize this 3D prison might as well be Hell (or a Private Room on Air BNB with an obnoxious roommate) but in the meantime let's get a good laugh at it all