The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

543 Common Leadership Shortcomings We Need To Avoid in Japan



As leaders are we all perfect?  Are we perfect all the time?  Obviously, the answer is “no” to both counts, but that doesn’t mean we always face up to our own shortcomings.  An important part of growing and improving as a leader is to be honest about who we really are.  Let’s go through some common areas where leaders can improve. 1.     Uninspiring   This uninspiring tag covers a vast majority of leaders.  Ask yourself, “how many of my previous bosses would I describe as inspiring?”  The answer for most people is usually none or one. Now ask yourself, “if someone surveyed my team members, how many would say I was inspiring?”  This type of reality check is useful because it can help us become better in some key leadership areas.  What contributes to a leader being seen as uninspiring?  It usually relates to a lack of enthusiasm, someone going through the motions with no great passion. This is reflected in how they communicate.  The voice is dull, the energy low, the fire in the belly has long since smoldered