Tradcast: The Traditional Roman Catholic Podcast

TRADCAST 037 (14 JAN 2024)



TRADCAST 037 (14 JAN 2024) Contents Segment 1 -- John XXIII, Francis, and the signs of the times. Italian Novus Ordo priest declared excommunicated after calling Francis 'usurper antipope' in sermon. Brazilian Novus Ordo bishop says all religions are expressions of God and seek to do good. The Naturalist plot against the Papacy. 'Cardinal' Bo wants to save humanity for heaven on earth. Segment 2 -- GAME: What did Francis really say? Fill in the blanks! The 'human elements' ecclesiology of Michael J. Matt. How the Catholic Answers Focus podcast speaks about the Son of God. Total run time: 1 hr 29 min Links to Items mentioned in the Show & Related Information Novus Ordo Watch, "Francis makes Official Change to Catechism: Death Penalty now universally 'inadmissible' because an Attack on the Human Person" (Aug. 2, 2018) Pope Pius IX, Syllabus of Errors (Dec. 8, 1864) Antipope John XXIII, Apostolic Constitution Humanae Salutis (Dec. 25, 1961) Antipope John XXIII, Vatican II Opening Address Gaudet Mater Eccl