Inspire Church

Mike Kai: The Power of Out of the Box Prayers



We begin a new series this week entitled, “The Power of Prayer,” which will stir and elevate your faith to new levels. Pastor Mike Kai delivers an uplifting message and wants you to step into your miracle by removing the limits placed on God through your mindset and thinking. We serve a big God and Pastor Mike Kai encourages us to dream big and pray bigger. Have the confidence to pray God-size prayers that may seem radically unreasonable. Become empowered and develop clarity and closeness with Him by having Joshua-like faith. Having biblical faith and “Praying Out of the Box Prayers,” God answers with more than you can ask or imagine to get more in your life. If you made a decision to follow Jesus, we'd love to take the journey with you! Click to Connect with our team at: To partner with us in bringing the word of God around the world, click here: Get Pastor Mike's latest book "That Doesn't Just Happen" at: https://www.MikeKai.Tv ------ W