Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's January 14, 2024 Weekly Weather



An intense week awaits us as the planets argue in the heavens.  Stick to your convictions on what you believe in.  Mars is out of bounds in Capricorn offering a plethora of action and activity doing what you want to do!  Go forth and create! Mars rules the North Node of fate encouraging action.  The South node of fate has a finger of god asking you to release and let go, be free, follow your bliss! Moon in Aries Tuesday and Wednesday is very intense and full of ending energy A minor grand trine is formed by Mercury in Capricorn sextiling Saturn in Pisces and trining Jupiter in Taurus.  Get that list going!  Mercury is direct moving through the last bits of his retrograde shadow ~ finishing on Sunday the 21.  Continue to talk to your ghosts as they appear!  Using guidance from your ghosts focus on what you are interested in creating for the world.  On Saturday, the Sun and Pluto meet at 29:59 Capricorn.  Sun moves into Aquarius.  Pluto moves into Aquarius.  A new chapter begins while the old life still st