Manlihood Mancast

Unleash Your Crazy: Insights into Understanding Yourself with Josh Hatcher



In this episode of the Manlihood ManCast, host Josh Hatcher talks about embracing your own 'crazy', meaning those unique differences and idiosyncrasies that everyone has.  He differentiates between being 'crazy' and being mentally ill, highlighting that everyone has varying degrees and shades of 'crazy'. He emphasizes the importance of self-care, sleep, nutrition and seeking professional help when needed. Josh also encourages his listeners to channel their unique differences into productive ways, which he believes can contribute positively to the world. Tune in and join the conversation in the Manlihood ManCave, a private Facebook group for men. 00:00 Introduction and Welcome 01:23 Unleashing Your Crazy: Embracing Individuality 02:06 Understanding Mental Health: A Non-Professional Perspective 03:09 The Power of Embracing Your 'Crazy' 03:50 When 'Crazy' Becomes Debilitating: Seeking Help 06:09 Practical Tips to Manage Your Mental Health 10:37 The Difference Between '