Better Together With Barb Roose

Dreaming of Being Seen and Loved | Interview with Tasha Jun



"I've always felt unfit as a Korean but somehow too Korean everywhere else." Tasha Jun has always been caught between worlds: American and Korean, faith and doubt, family devotion and fierce independence. As a Korean American and author of the new book, Tell Me the Dream Again, Tasha has wandered between seemingly opposing worlds, struggling to find a voice to speak and a firm place for her feet to land. In our conversation today Tasha speaks to those who feel unseen or unwanted, letting them know that they are not outsiders to God. When we let all the details of ourselves unfold—when we embrace who we were divinely knit together to be—this is when we'll fully experience his perfect love. *Editor's Note: On Better Together, we emphasize that life is not perfect, and unfortunately in this episode, we had a little bit of imperfect audio towards the end of the interview due to some outdoor work being done in the background. Thankfully the interview is still easy to hear, but we just wanted to provide a little bi