Raise Your Hand Say Yes With Tiffany Han

Ep. 424: Did my 2023 Revival work? (Asterisks & Pep Talks included!)



Y’all. You know I love year-long experiments. In 2013, I tried to get 100 rejection letters. In 2015, I did a #postitdaily project on Instagram. In 2017, I experimented with quitting booze for a year. (And guess who celebrated her 7-year sober anniversary on January 4!?) In 2018, I did a #yearoftruthtalks on IG. In 2022, I gave myself a Year of No. And last year, I did Revival. The goals of my Revival experiment were to: release the rules about how things should be done reclaim how I want to show up to everything—my work, my life, my family, my self...all of it reconnect with my wildly-creative self and live the experiment out loud with radical self-belief, delight, curiosity, and intuition as my guides. Soooo, did I do it? Short answer: yes. But there are A LOT of asterisks!  Listen in to hear about all those asterisks, get into why it worked, and what lessons I’m bringing into 2024!  Because we know there's something more to life than the perfectly coiffed, perfectly creative version of oursel