Dense Pixels

Hit by a Bus (Bobby Kotick is Gone, Tetris Defeated, Sonic Symphony, Hitman: Freelancer)



In the latest podcast episode, discussions include revelations from a former Call of Duty developer who criticizes Bobby Kotick's decisions, claiming they negatively impacted game quality.A 13-year-old achieves a remarkable feat by becoming the first person to beat Tetris, showcasing exceptional gaming skill.The exorbitant cost of the Star Citizen Legatus Ship Pack, priced at $48,000 RSI, raises eyebrows and sparks conversation about in-game purchases.Brad shares why the indie puzzler Chants of Sennar doesn't resonate with him, providing personal insights into the game.Carrie recounts her experience at the Sonic Symphony concert, highlighting the immersive and captivating elements of the event.Brad explores how Hitman's Freelancer mode has breathed new life into the game, discussing the positive impact on the longstanding franchise.The hosts engage in a conversation about the games from 2023 that they still intend to explore, expressing anticipation and curiosity.