Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

The Big Lie In Trucking



The Big Lie In Trucking. What is the big lie? Well, let's put it this way, the current big lie is, Autonomous trucks will always nee a driver. Thats according to the latest news. It has been said that "driverless trucks" will be running Americas roads by the end of 2024. That is why I am ticked-off. Everyone was selling the BS to all of us drivers (when the idea of autonomous trucks came out) that we would always be needed. Well not according to the articles circulating the net this week. I for one am sick of the BS we get shoved down our throats. The news of trucks with no drivers is devastating. I am one that hopes this fails. It will put millions of drivers out of work. The rich man has done it again. Well maybe not quite yet. Some legal moves have to come into place first. If you're reading this, write to your local congressmen and sign any petition you can get your hands on. Drivewyze  for IOS users, allows you to bypass weigh stations using only an ap on your phone Drivewyze for Android u