Ask The Expert A Human Givens Podcast Series

Part 5 - Anti-Bullying Week - Pat Capel



Anti-Bullying Week with Pat Capel - Pat shows how the HG approach sheds light on why bullying behaviour happens, and unlocks practical and effective strategies for preventing – and stopping – it. I have been focusing on our emotional needs and how satisfying these could prevent a child becoming a bully. But the human givens perspective also mentions that there are potential barriers that can prevent these needs being met. One of them is a toxic environment. There is not much we as teachers can do when the child lives in a toxic environment. Yes, we can follow child protection guidelines and report it and allow the system to do what it can. But we have an obligation to ensure that our classroom is not toxic. Allow your classroom to be a safe refuge for all. A bully will have a story that you as the classroom teacher are not aware of. His or her innate guidance system might have been damaged by their past and present experiences. There might have been a trauma or their day to day existence could be tr