Bits & Bites To Change Your Life

Are You Living With Money Stress You Think You Can’t Change



Are you living with a degree of money stress you think you can’t change? New 5 Day Money Challenge here! Most of us are. Here's the problem: what shows up in our life follows our feelings. Our points of view. Our thoughts. I've been majorly stressed. I lived most of my life with a low level of stress around money. I called it "the low growl". It was just a part of my life. I didn't think I could do much about it and I hadn't put that much attention on how I felt. It wasn't until my early 40's and being exposed to Access Consciousness tools that I discovered that I could be different. That, in fact, if I wanted something different with money I *had* to be different. BE different, which would then feel different. It was backwards for me at first. But I finally got it: if I wanted money to be different, I had to be different. It wasn't debt consolidation or hiring a bookkeeper that was first: >>> Changing my feelings was first.