Visual Revolutionary

Episode #234: Keith Malloy / Pro Surfer / Filmmaker



Renowned professional surfer, director, and founder of Bimarian Films Keith Malloy returns to the podcast to talk about several of his newest films in this year's "Yeti Presents" lineup, as well as other projects he's been working on like Red Bull's "Life of Kai" series.  During our conversation Keith and I talk about the inspiration that comes with working on stories that involve amazing characters, how surrounding yourself with a positive crew and close group of friends makes all the difference in life and work, how constantly challenging yourself with new things as you get older keeps the inner grom alive, what it was like as an intermediate snowboarder to drop in on a Valdez run with Travis Rice, and what's next for the Bimarian team.   To Learn More About Bimarian Films Visit: And Follow Keith On Instagram At: To Watch the Film "Can You Hear Me Smiling" Visit: To Watch the