Mind Matters

Creating and Fostering Autonomy and Motivation



On episode 206 we talk about autonomy and motivation. In a world where autonomy is key to motivation and engagement, how do we navigate this with our children, especially those who are neurodivergent? Today, we're exploring the vital role of independence and control in fostering engagement and motivation, not just in kids, but in all of us. Joining us is Ned Johnson, founder of PrepMatters and co-author of The Self-Driven Child, and What Do You Say? How To Talk With Kids To Build Motivation, Stress Tolerance, and a Happy Home. If you're a teacher and not yet a member of the Neurodiversity University Educator Hub, we’ll be opening up registration in January. It will only be open for a limited time, so make sure you’re notified when it happens. Sign up here. Ned Johnson is the founder of PrepMatters, an educational company that helps students find success in high school and in getting into college. A professional “tutor-geek” since 1993, Ned has spent more than 50,000 one-on-one hours helping students conquer a