Olga's Way

Create Your Best Year



Join Olga in this inspiring and heartfelt episode of "Create your Best Year." Dive into a journey of self-discovery and goal setting, designed to make this year your best one yet. Despite personal challenges, including her recent experience with IVF, Olga shares powerful insights on how to transform your life by focusing on you. Key Topics: ●      Reviewing the past year: Olga encourages listeners to reflect on the highs and lows of their past year, offering a downloadable PDF with reflective questions. ●      The power of 12-week planning: Drawing from the principles of the book "The 12 Week Year," Olga explains how breaking down goals into 12-week segments can lead to greater focus and accomplishment. ●      Making decisions focused on personal happiness and values. ●      The concept of 'purpose' as a guiding force for the year. ●      Olga's personal journey with IVF and embracing acceptance. ●      The significance of reviewing past relationships, habits, and decisions to shape a better future