Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

200r: Purposeful Patience: Practice the Ease Over the Rush this Year



Purposeful Patience. What is it? How can we work with it? And why is it something you might benefit from putting into practice in how you approach how you go about achieving your goals + bringing your ideas, desires and projects into fruiition + creating a consistent sense of wellbeing, even during intensity and uncertainty? Just that :) For the past two years I have been practicing Purposeful Patience. It was the theme and mantra in 2022. Each year I/we choose/receive a yearly theme/centerpoint in the Emerge Visioining Process - like "The Year of Purposeful Patience" or  "The Year of Embodying Radiant Grace." (2021) or "Creating & Receiving from Momentum" (2023)  I decided to replay this episode of Feminine Power Time: 200: Purposeful Patience: Practicing the Ease Over the Rush, because I needed it again this year ... and I thought you might benefit as well. I love the practice of choosing a centerpoint and over-arching theme and then working with it intentionally all year. It becomes a guidepost and a p