Folger Shakespeare Library: Shakespeare Unlimited

David and Ben Crystal Share Shakespeare Quotations for Your Everyday Life



Shakespeare has the perfect lines for riding into battle or stumbling around a stormy heath. But does he have the right stuff to take us on a daily commute or a trip to the grocery store? On this episode, David and Ben Crystal join us to talk about their new book, "Everyday Shakespeare: Lines for Life," which offers daily Shakespeare quotes you can apply to everyday life. The Crystals—David is a linguist, Ben is an actor—are the father-son duo behind the "Oxford Illustrated Shakespeare Dictionary"; "Shakespeare´s Words: A Glossary and Language Companion"; and "The Oxford Dictionary of Original Shakespearean Pronunciation." We talk to them about which quotations they included, why they chose to skip the typical contextual notes, and how you can improve your memory for Shakespeare’s words. "Everyday Shakespeare: Lines for Life" is available now from Chambers Books. From the Shakespeare Unlimited podcast series. Published January 2, 2024. © Folger Shakespeare Library. All rights reserved. This episode was pro