What Got You There With Sean Delaney

10 Mindsets That Radically Transform Your Life



These are ten mindsets that can radically transform your life if you make the decision to adopt them. So get ready to expand your potential and uncover a new powerful way of thinking that positively moves you forward.  About the host: For over a decade, Sean DeLaney has masterfully navigated the territories of peak performance, innovative entrepreneurship, and impactful personal development. Transitioning from a career as a professional lacrosse player, Sean now shines as a top-tier executive life coach, celebrated author and the driving force of the What Got You There Podcast. Through his coaching, Sean has catalyzed the growth and success of a myriad of CEOs, executives, and athletes.  Sean is also the author of, Masterpiece in Progress: A Daily Guide to a Life Well Crafted and Insights of the Ages: Quotes for a Life Well Crafted. If you're interested in potentially having Sean coach you, send an email to info@whatgotyouthere.com  Masterpiece in Progress is more than a book; it’s your daily companion in th