Audio Divina

Accepting the Word of God - 4th Sunday of Advent, Year B



Accepting the Word of God:  The final Sunday of Advent points toward Christmas Day with a Gospel reflection on the Annunciation to Mary of Nazareth. One of the most beloved Christian images of Mary, we need to recognise that she struggles to accept what God is asking of her. In the first moment she is dumbfounded, wondering what this might mean. Then she asks a perfectly logical question - how can this be? Only when she recognises God's active presence, making the impossible take place, does she utter her famous acceptance of God's word. Mary of Nazareth leads the way in our journeys of faith that move from puzzlement, to logic, and sometimes to an eventual acceptance of what God wants from us. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for 4th Sunday of Advent, Year B. Gospel Reading: Luke 1: 26-38 Gospel read by Ed and Raqael  Narrated and produced by Michael Gartland For more information visit: www.