Recovery Elevator | Stop Drinking, Start Recovering. | Alcohol, Addiction & Life In Sobriety

RE 127: Present and in the Moment Without Alcohol



Rule Number One of podcasting is plug in the microphone. Pete, with 488 days of sobriety shares his story.   SHOW NOTES   [2:19] Paul Introduces Pete.  I am 38 years old, and golfing is my favorite leisure activity.  I have an 8-year-old daughter and a 2-year-old son.  I am in construction sales, mostly traveling around Ohio and surrounding states.    [6:07] Paul- When did you realize you had a problem with alcohol Pete? Pete- I’ve always known, or at least had the fear of having a problem.  I could drink a case of beer by myself in High school.    [12:23] Paul- Was this a bottom you experienced, or where you done? Pete- I hit a spiritual bottom.  Things that were important, no longer seemed important.  My wife, great job, and truck were all things that weren’t making me happy.  I realized that doing these things that I was taught would make me happy weren’t.  I was bankrupt spiritually and emotionally.  My wife opened the work bench, and the drawer was full of  empty and full booze bottles.  They were devast