

“Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting” You can't always believe what you hear.  Just because we believe that everybody was kung fu fighting, doesn't mean that everyone was actually kung fu fighting.  In fact, upon further research, it turns out that no one was kung fu fighting in the original music videos for this song.  The same applies to “Everybody drinks”.  When we drink, our beliefs about everyone drinking around us probably don't reflect reality.  We feel that we have no choice because, in our minds, we are surrounded by drinking.  Studies show that over one third of adults refrain from drinking alcohol and even more drink very moderately.  In sobriety, we have an opportunity to redefine “normal”.  We are relieved to let go of the trapping idea that we are forced to consume alcohol to fit in.  Anna, with over 17 years since her last drink, shares her story..   SHOW NOTES   [10:40] Paul Introduces Anna. Anna is from Marin County.  She's a writer.  She has a cat, a boyfriend and a recovery podcast/company.