Recovery Elevator | Stop Drinking, Start Recovering. | Alcohol, Addiction & Life In Sobriety

RE 227: 8 Things to Remember When Going Through Tough Times



Chris, with a sobriety date of February 12, 2019, shares his story. On today’s episode Paul shares 8 strategies that you can implement when you are going through hard times.  Everything can, and will, change.  You’ve overcome challenges before. Recognize this life situation as a learning experience, AKA an opportunity. You may not be getting what you want, but you are getting what you need. Lighten up, do not take yourself to seriously. You can self-medicate with kindness to yourself. Don’t make it worse by taking on other people’s tough times. There is always something to be happy for.   SHOW NOTES: [13:40] Paul introduces Chris.  Chris has been sober since February 12, 2019 and is 35 years old.  He is a technology trainer for a finance company.  He is divorced and has three boys, ages 15, 10 and 7.  For fun Chris likes to sing and play guitar in a band, he also does improv and stand up comedy.  Since getting sober he is exercising a lot.  [14:20] When did you start drinking? He had his first drink, tequil