

Brandi took her last drink on July 17, 2019.  This is her story. Update on the Alcohol is Sh!t book!  The book was released 2 days ago!  Pick up your copy on Amazon here!  On today’s episode Paul talks about one of his pet peeves…the word “ONLY”.   For example, when someone says they have ‘only’ been sober for 3 days, 10 days, 2 weeks, etc.… We need to change this way of thinking, any amount of time away from alcohol is a major win.  The word ‘only’ equals limited, represents a lack of, and we want to be careful with this idea and energetic vibrations that encompass the word.  SHOW NOTES   [9:30] Paul introduces Brandi.    Brandi is from Franklin, TN.  She is 48 years old and works in healthcare.  She has a 12-year-old daughter and for fun Brandi likes to make her own greeting cards, write poetry, and ride horses.    [14:50] Give us a background on your drinking.   Brandi says she drank some in high school and college, but that she didn’t really enjoy it.  She says it wasn’t until she was 33-34 years old tha