

Episode 418 – Serenity Now!   Today we have Bethany. She is 34 from Michigan and took her last drink in January of 2021.   We have partnered with Sober Link. You can find some tips and can sign up for a $50 off promo code.   [2:15] Highlights from Kris:   Kris enjoys living in a small town where everyone helps one another, and the pace is rather consistent. He and his wife were recently on a trip to the city, and it was busier than usual which created sensory overload for Kris. He found himself in the candle section of Target taking a moment and saying the serenity prayer. It helps him shift his thinking that it’s all about him and reminds him that he can exist better with others.   God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change The courage to change the things I can The wisdom to know the difference   It doesn’t fix everything right away, but it assists with pausing and choosing how to react going forward.   Better Help: - 10% off your first month. #sponsored