Rei Marketing Nerds

Episode #250 - Encore: The Expert is Never Certain



Have you ever been ripped off by a so-called marketing expert that promised you X, Y, and Z but gave you nothing?  Cunning self-proclaimed “experts” dupe many real estate investors into investing their hard-earned capital into their services. These tricksters promise innocent investors the world, but deliver nothing. Why does this happen?  More often than not, “experts” cloak their incompetence with certainty. It happens in all industries — especially complex ones like marketing.  Here’s the truth:  The top experts in any field are never certain. The more you dig into a certain subject, the less confident you become. Knowing this little counterintuitive truth can protect your wallet from greedy, new age robber barons.  In this episode, you’ll discover why the least certain experts are the most competent. And how knowing this protects your wealth and boosts your marketing performance.  Listen to the episode now before you get fooled again. Show highlights include: Why complete ignorance around a subject like