Ram Dass Here And Now

Ep. 227 – Awareness Without Identification



In this Q&A session from 1993, Ram Dass explores an array of topics, including psychedelics as a method, assisted suicide, dealing with suffering, and awareness without identification.Today's podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Click to receive 10% off your first month with your own licensed professional therapist: betterhelp.com/ramdassIn this episode, Ram Dass answers questions about:- Psychedelics as a method- Assisted suicide- Emptiness and form- Dealing with suffering- The relationship between the One and the many- Liberation and service- Awareness without identification and attachment- The concept of criticism- Pushing against form and separatenessThis podcast is also sponsored by Apollo Neuro. Developed by neuroscientists and physicians, the Apollo™ wearable uses touch therapy to rebalance your nervous system and support your circadian rhythm, allowing you to sleep better, focus more efficiently, and even meditate with ease.Get $40 off your purchase today using code BEHERENOW and tap into