Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

229 The Year-End Honoring Ritual



In a year where we spend 8,720 hours doing, giving, working, caring, creating, mentoring (and sleeping) … and so much more … to  not create space to reflect on all we have done and who we have become, as well as recognize (and honor) our impact, growth & progress, would be just plain crazy :) Plus honoring feels great! The energy and act of "Honoring" is one of the most powerful things we have access to, but that we often under use. Honoring is a form a love. It melts away the heavy feels, the judgements of not enough, the pressure to do more. It turns struggle into comfort and possibility.  I invoke the super power of honor every year at this time because I continue to see the power it has to open our hearts, lighten us up, fill us up and give us a way to start the next cycle radiant & clear, roooted in our enoughness. We think of honor as something someone else has to give to us - when in reality we have the power to bestow honor upon ourselves, in a healthy way, with humility and dignity.  There is