Bhagavad Gita Discourses

Gita Intro Part B



Introduction: The first in a series of discourses on the Bhagavad GitaThese talks were given at a time when I was truly inspired by the charioteer of Partha. I was in a state of ecstasy and hardly knew what I was saying. Now when I look back on these talks I am amazed at my audacity in having dared to write on something about which I knew little more than nothing. But looking back over my life I see that I seem to have continued to dare to write on things about which I knew very little. I know now that my courage which I did not even question at any time, rose from the depths of my ignorance, which again I did not question. It was only because I did not question anything that I was made into a channel through which the divine charioteer chose to reveal Himself. I knew nothing and therefore I was an empty vessel like Arjuna and by His grace, I was chosen as one of the many bards who have sung the glory of the “Song of the Lord.” I feel sure that out of all the five Pandavas, He chose Arjuna who was certainly n