Critical Strike

Critical Strike 86: The Three Shades of Tim



Its about time we finally got back to doing the show, but its not like we didn't try for the past three weeks to get one done. Quite frankly we've had a whole heap of problems like the plague, a baby monitor screwing up someones internet connection. Either way its about time we got back to doing the show! This episode is a bit longer than normal, I wanted to keep most of the stuff in as it was just fun to do. We also now have a couple of contests going on  so if you want a chance to get a free copy of Dungeon Defenders (Steam), Sanctum (Steam) and Alice: Madness Returns (Origin) make sure you listen to the episode! Here is what we discussed: Fight Night Champion, Jamestown, Final Fantasy XIII, Alice: Madness Returns, Dark Souls, Resistance 3, Triple Town, Order Up!, Dead Space 2. Music in this episode: Final Fantasy XIII-2, Killer7 You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike