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Stock Market Investing: Move Along There is Nothing to See Here



Risk Monitor [Market] commentary: By all accounts a shakeout was required  Careful, step to your left, the sky is falling. So many Chicken Littles come out of the woodwork when a normal and necessary sell off / consolidation occurs during a Bull market Yesterday is no different. They love to wave in front of you any number of "overbought" oscillators as an excuse the end is near What they fail to tell you are the following... These oscillators were overbought weeks ago at much lower prices so the value as a timing tool is useless They have been complaining about it for these said weeks making their celebration yesterday pointless "Overbought" is a condition of a Bull Market. They hover around overbought for longer than the Shorts can stay solvent  We talked about the need for the markets to consolidate over time or price & yesterday may, I stress may, have been the beginning of this necessary action in an uptrend I'm looking forward to a breather that will reset the APY & QQQ armrAlgos & allow fo