Grant Writing & Funding

Ep. 302: Replace Your Full-Time Income with Freelance Grant Writing



Holly Rustick is a world-renowned grant writing expert and Amazon bestselling author who has been coaching grant writers how to run successful 5-6 figure businesses since 2017. Holly explains how you can replace your full time income with a part time role writing grants, the ways a programme can help with your grant writing process, and how to ethically raise your grant writing revenue. She also talks about the common objections nonprofits have when hiring freelance grant writers, ethical sales strategies that grant writers can use, and how to do value based pricing. Resources mentioned in this episode: ✨Register for the Free Webinar, Jan. 10th, 2024 “Quit Your Toxic Nonprofit Job and Replace Your Income with Freelance Grant Writing” Click here ✨Get a Free Book in December! ✨Join the Waitlist for the Freelance Grant Writer Academy. Click here. ✨Quit Your Toxic Nonprofit Job: The Power of Freelance Grant Writing for Financial Freedom ✨The Real ROI of Grant Writing ✨Growing your Nonprofit Consultancy Pract