Have More Fun With Mandy Arioto

Advent Series: Three gifts



In today's Episode: Three Gifts Do you ever struggle with the idea of giving gifts at Christmas? Maybe it feels too consumeristic, or like you are missing the real reason for the season? If so, then let’s look at two instances of gift-giving in the Bible.   The most famous account we all know about is the presents the Magi brought to Jesus. They brought frankincense, myrrh, and gold (Matthew 2:11), which each held symbolic meaning. Frankincense was used as incense for worship in the Temple; it symbolized that Jesus is the new High Priest. Myrrh, was a fragrant oil, used to anoint dead bodies and symbolized what Jesus came here to do. And gold represents his kingship and was an extremely valuable asset. The Magi were acknowledging that God had arrived and was present with us.  Not only that, but an interesting side note is that soon after the magi visit Mary and Joseph, Joseph is warned in a dream to flee to Egypt because Herod is going to try to kill Jesus. How fortunate they have the money to relocate in th