M&a Science

Automation in M&A



Dr. Karl-Michael Popp, Senior Director, Corporate Development at SAP (FRA: SAP) This episode is sponsored by the M&A Science Academy, DealRoom, and FirmRoom.  To join our growing online community of M&A practitioners, visit  www.mascience.com/academy.  Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at www.dealroom.net.  FirmRoom provides 80% cost savings over VDRs that bill by page and delivers a far better user experience to boot. Sign up in under 2 minutes by going to www.firmroom.com  In today's digital era, the pervasive influence of technology is felt in every facet of business, and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) are no different. The arrival of innovation and automation in M&A will soon happen, streamlining processes that could bolster productivity and facilitate smoother post-merger integration.  In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, Dr. Karl Michael Popp, Senior Direc