A Duck In A Tree

A Duck in a Tree 2023-12-16 | Rites of Contiguity



The 597th of a series of weekly radio programmes created by :zoviet*france: First broadcast 16 December 2023 by Resonance 104.4 FM and CJMP 90.1 FM Thanks to the artists, sound recordist and sound designer included here for their fine work. track list 00 :zoviet*france: - Intro 01 Greg Nieuwsma & Antonello Perfetto - Dr Larry's Menu at Eylau 02 Lucie Vítková - With Voice 03 Post Doom Romance - Prairie Transmission Three 04 Biosphere - Brownian Motion 05 Meitei - Sazanami 06 Illusion of Safety - Neolithic 07 Robert Cole Rizzi - Somehow It Got Gloomy and I Don't Know Why 08 [unknown sound recordist / BBC] - Cafe, General Chatter from Older People – Door Opened/Closed Frequently – Expresso Machine Heard Occasionally 09 Quasar Project - [n_02] 10 Origami Boe - Music, Even Waves 11 Cousin Silas - Blueprint 014 12 Oleg Karpachev - Nutcase 13 [unknown sound designer / Warner Bros.] - Cartoon, Boing – Vibrating Wooden Sprong; Fast Boings Buzz By ++ :zoviet*france: - Outro