Boost Your Boutique With Emily Benson

Scaling Your Boutique Business



1:30.1 This is one of the keys to, I think, the problems that happen among so many boutique owners is you just have so much space.1:45 But It allows you to overbuy and overbuying is one of the quickest ways to not scale your business to become very much unprofitable and to always be struggling to make the revenue that you want.1:56.9 So first and foremost, the conversation around assortment has to come from the fact that we don't want to overbuy.2:29.8 If something is really working in your store, you could bring something back in another color, in another print, in another material.3:31.3 Now as you start to grow and scale, you have to start to get comfortable with your assortment, understanding what is truly working and what is not.6:21.6 Now, value of items has been so diminished over the years because people are loving to give lots of discounts and have affordable pricing, which is fine, but like,  I just don't think it's going to work for much longer.8:50 The Gucci belt principle is that if you have