Hagmann And Hagmann

Shaping the Future - The Tavistock Institute On The Hagmann & Hagmann Report



The Tavistock Institute has been shaping the future through social engineering of the masses. This organizion uses all forms of social interaction to influence the people to the agenda of a new world order for the arrival of the anti-christ. What are the origions of this society and who is carring out its agenda? We will break down the Tavistock institute as well as talk about the latest news and current events. Here is the link to the listen live & archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page