Hagmann And Hagmann

CERN, Extra Dimensions and Portals with Anthony Patch



Join us tonight for a special show with an expert on CERN the large hadron collider Anthony Patch We have all heard that CERN is a dangerous machine build for the purposed of understanding how the universe was created. There have been press releases by scientists at CERN explaining that they have found or open portals to other dimensions. Tonight Mr. Patch will explain what CERN is really doing and why they are continuing. Here is the link to the listen live & archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page