Hagmann And Hagmann

Christians CAN and MUST make a difference



Guest: Hour 1-2:Tom Hoefling - Presidential Candidate for the American Party Guest Hour 3: Stan Deyo If you are old enough and had supportive parents, you might recall your mother or father telling you that you could grow up to be anything you want to be, including the President, some day. Were you lied to as a child by your loving and proud parents? Probably not. Once upon a time, there was a belief that anyone born in America and qualified under the constitution of United States, could achieve such status. Today, nobody believes of that. You must be of royal blood, the wealthy beyond your wildest dreams, and have contacts few others have. The entire system has been corrupted and captured by special interests who don’t play by the rules. Is there anything that we can possibly do in the game so rigged? Yes, but it’s going to take everyone’s involvement. And this, my friends, is our call to action to every true American Christian conservative who feels that there is no candidate who truly represents them. Th