Enlightened By Dogs With Kathy Kawalec

EBD 291 Digging Under the Surface: Understanding What Your Dog is Really Communicating



In this podcast episode, Kathy Kawalec talks about the importance of communication in building a beautiful and cooperative relationship with our dogs. She starts by expressing how living with dogs is a gift, despite the challenges that sometimes come with it. Kathy emphasizes that communication with our dogs isn't just about giving commands; it's a two-way street. It's about exchanging ideas, feelings, and understanding each other's intentions. She points out that dogs don't just act out or misbehave without a reason. Instead, their actions often come from a place of need or misunderstanding. Understanding this can change how we respond to them. Kathy dives deeper into the concept of intention in communication. She explains that knowing the purpose behind our dogs' actions can help us understand them better. For example, a dog not coming in from the backyard when called isn't trying to be uncooperative but might be busy or wrapped up in something. Kathy encourages dog moms to see behavior as a form of communi