Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

506 Neuroscience in the News: Update on Depression



Neuroscience in the News! One of our favorite ongoing podcasts, Dr. Bray shares the latest and greatest research in the field of Neuroscience. This week, Dr. Bray will discuss the most recent updates on psilocybin use in the treatment of depression, anxiety, and addictions. Published in the Journal of Psychiatric Practice, a research review and update were conducted on the therapeutic use of psychedelics. Dr. Bray also shares a new comprehensive study of over 700,000 US veterans on eight lifestyle habits that can extend your life expectancy significantly. Dr Bray reviews the eight lifestyles and also the number of years you can extend your life if you take the advice of this study. Finally, Dr. Bray discusses creativity and how to increase your creativity on a daily basis. Published in the Creativity Research Journal findings on how creative people best use their time. Of course, this outstanding information comes from Dr. Bray's home state of Arizona.