Rise To Inspire

197. Leon Dawes



On this episode we talk with creator, author, and model Leon Dawes. He’s got a new series out called Soul Stones “Ecclesiastes Mistress of Souls” available in comic book shops and online @comixology. We share his origin story, from his tumultuous upbringing to where he is today. We talk about Soul Stones, his inspiration behind the main character, the successes and challenges of producing an indie series, upcoming book projects, music and more. This is a great episode and conversation that really hit home for me, being raised in the projects myself. Sometimes its not the environment but how we respond to the environment that creates who we are as a person. You can reach out to him on IG @leonc.l.dawes Credits for the upcoming music soundtrack for the comic book series: Dj Hymn,https://youtu.be/6zLurT1CcmQ?feature=shared https://open.spotify.com/album/44x1xTwMzWNdv5zLJCS4pS?si=EDDmdrllQNabMf3zvht57w Travis Frank, https://open.spotify.com/artist/6HAnhTTFTzle7iI8EiCebP?si=qcRopAfZTUiC7Y4Eg-DNMw Myke Antho