
Julie Stevanja - Stylerunner



Imagine finding yourself sitting across the board room table negotiating the deal of your life with the world's biggest sporting brand - Nike. Well, in 2012 this was the reality for Julie Stevanja, who invested her life savings into Stylerunner - a brand that just a few years later would become the world's biggest online activewear retailer, valued at over $50M. Impressive right? We can confirm that in person, she is just as amazing as she sounds! But aside from the awards, accolades, and financial success, what really blew us away was Julie's kind nature, her authenticity, and her willingness to share advice with not only us, but also with all of you. We began our chat in the Stylerunner board room, surrounded by mood boards featuring the upcoming winter collection. Connect with usSign up to our non-spammy monthly newsletter: us on Instagram: @lady.brainsChat to us in the Facebook group: the lady-brains clubhouseHave a sweet business idea but unsure if it has potential?Sign up for