
Jess Ruhfus - Collabosaurus



Jess Ruhfus, founder of Collabosaurus, shares insights into how she’s built a leading tech platform as a non-technical, female, solo founder, why collaborations have a ROI 25x greater than digital marketing, how to structure brand-to-brand collaborations correctly, and why she describes trying to fundraise in 2018 as an absolute ‘nightmare’.  We covered:  Her biggest mistakes in the early days, including spending too much time and money on making version 1 of her product ‘perfect’    Why she spent a year trying to raise capital before deciding to give up  Why she decided to build her business with a subscription model   How small & medium sized businesses should approach brand collaborations, and the big mistakes to avoid  Connect with usSign up to our non-spammy monthly newsletter: us on Instagram: @lady.brainsChat to us in the Facebook group: the lady-brains clubhouseHave a sweet business idea but unsure if it has potential?Sign up for the free 'Idea Validation Mini Course' a