
Ava Matthews & Bec Jefferd - Ultra Violette



Ava Matthews and Bec Jefferd, co-founders of Ultra Violette, share the secret sauce to their strong co-founder relationship, why (and how) they’ve chosen to remain self-funded, and why they put down so much of their success to having strong operations, systems and rigour in the business back-end.You’ll learn:  How Ava and Bec designed their product and brand to solve a customer problem  How the two navigate tension and disagreements in their co-founder relationship  Why they advise any founders to budget 4x as much money and time as they think they need when creating a new product   The important things you should consider if you want to self-fund your business  Why ‘fun’ is a value that they inject into the business and brand each day   How they’ve designed Ultra Violette around their lifestyle, and not the other way around ~ Connect with us ~Sign up to our non-spammy monthly newsletter: us on Instagram: @lady.brainsChat to us in the Facebook group: the lady-brains clubhouseHave a