
Renae James - Papinelle Sleepwear



Renae James, founder of Papinelle Sleepwear, shares how she started out selling PJs from a stall at the Paddington Markets in Sydney, to becoming a multimillion-dollar brand with products you can find being sold on almost every corner of the USA! You’ll learn:  How she started the brand with a $9000 bank loan, and why she’s never taken on external money since then  How it took Renae 12 years to make good money in her business, and how she found the courage to never give up  How Renae manages the design and production of 12 collections each year   How Renae met her now-business-partner Nicole back in 2004, and why she brought her into the business 15 years later to help take the brand to the next level  The big mistake Renae made saying yes to a huge order that she wasn’t set up to fulfil, and what she learned about saying no to opportunities before you’re ready  This episode was produced in partnership with Papinelle Sleepwear.~ Connect with us ~Sign up to our monthly non-spammy newsletter: