
Jen Bishop - The Interiors Addict



This episode is proudly sponsored by Carlisle Homes, Australia’s number 1 builder for 2021.  Tune into their new podcast show Home Files (hosted by us!) to uncover all the truths about what knocking down and building your dream home. Listen here.Is it possible to build a profitable, fulfilling business, working 3 days a week? If you're asking Jen Bishop, former newspaper journalist and magazine editor, the answer is a resounding YES. She's built The Interiors Addict, Australia's largest interior design, styling and renovation blog, doing just that. In this chat Jen shares how she’s designed her business around the lifestyle she wants and how she’s intentionally kept her operation lean, employing contractors to create the majority of her content while focusing her time on bringing in the cash. You'll learn: Birthing her business after being made redundant  Being a commentator not an expert  Monetising her platform through sponsored content, partnerships and brand ambassadorship gigs  Getting through COVID des